10 Reasons Why You Are Not Ejaculating A Bucket Load

If you are experiencing dribbles of cum instead of a bucket full, you are missing out on the joy of mind blowing orgasms.

What can cause a decline in semen and sperm production? Here are some factors:-

1. Age

Low volume could be due to age

As you age, your body produces less and less semen and sperm. This could be because the body is starting to wind down but the actual interrelation between semen and sperm volume and aging is not very clear at this moment in time. Suffice to say it is an important factor.

2. Genetic factors

This is obvious because not everyone is made exactly the same way. But the science of genetics is still in its infancy although recently epigenetics, a sub category of genetics, are telling us we can somehow alter our genes.

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3. Nutrition Deficiencies

Deficiencies in key vitamins as zinc, selenium, folate and vitamin C can result in low semen volume.

Junk food is bad

Eating lots of junk food is bad for performance.

4. Environment

Chemicals, toxins or infections can reduce your semen volume of cum because these affect the testicles and the production of male hormones in your body.

5. Being overweight

Obesity can have a negative effect on semen and sperm production. Although this has not been clinically proven yet, anecdotal evidence suggests this to be so.

6. Smoking

Smoking kills spermatozoids and may cause genetic damage to the fetus. Nicotine can also damage blood vessels and lead to impotence.

Smoking and drugs are bad for
sexual health

7. Drugs abuse

This is an obvious one as dangerous drugs can affect sperm quality and semen production.

8. High temperature

The prolonged exposure to heat like in hot tubs, saunas, radiators and others can affect semen volume, or even impair fertility due to decreases sperm quality.

9. Sports

Some sports like Bicycling that puts pressure on the testis, killing cells there.

10. Lifestyle causes

Stress, sexual problems with your partner, or the use of lubricants with other products as spermicides can temporarily alter the level of sperm count.

Knowing these causes of low semen and sperm volume can be helpful to you. Try to avoid the bad lifestyle and health habits mentioned above (except aging which you can’t really help) and you will reduce your chances of getting lower semen and sperm volumes.

So what can you do about it?

The above factors definitely affect your sexual health and ejaculation volume. You can change or avoid some of them but not all. So make it a point to change your habits and lifestyle as much as you can since these are changeable.

Luckily there are also supplements that can boost semen volume and sperm quality naturally too. One of the most popular supplement is Semenax, a powerful mix of ingredients that can literally turbo charge your ejaculation. More details below ..


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