Why Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Or A Weak Erection Can Destroy Your Relationship

If you are experiencing any weakness in erection hardness, you already know how frustrating it is for both your partner and yourself. Sex is one of the best gifts in life. Everyone, man or woman, enjoys the exquisite feeling of making love and the final delicious sensations of a powerful orgasm.

Although you can still achieve an orgasm without a hard erection, it is like drinking Mocca without the chocolate – it’s simply isn’t the same.

Erectile Dysfunction not only affects your sex life and your self esteem, it is also a warning from your body that not all is well with you. We are not here to scare you but to alert you to the possible health warnings from a weak penis. More on this later….

For now, all you need to do is to determine if you have ED or anything close to it. Because only by admitting that you have a problem can you then look for a solution.

In the spirit of the layman and without being too technical or scientific,
if you have difficult holding your erection long enough to penetrate your partner, you probably have some sort of ED or a weak erection problems.

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But to understand how ED happens, you first need to know what goes on in your penis and how an erection occurs….

What Your Penis Is Made Up Of

Anatomy of the penis

If you are a man, you already know what a penis is and how it looks like.

But scientifically, the penis is considered the male sexual organ. It contains the following parts:

1. Corpora Cavernosa - which consists of 2 cylinder-shaped chambers. These chambers run the length of the penis and they are made of spongy erectile tissues which contain lots of blood vessels and sinuses. 

2. Urethra : the channel in which urine, semen and sperm flow. This "canal" runs alongside the Corpora Cavernosa (see cross section diagram) 

3. Erectile tissues - these spongy tissues make up most of the Corpora Cavernosa and surrounds the urethra, two main arteries and several veins and nerves. 

4. The Penile Shaft, the longest part or length of the penis. 

5. The Glans : the penis head located at the end of the shaft. 

6. The Meatus : the gap at the tip of the head where urine, sperms and semen are discharged 

How An Erection Occurs

As with everything else we do with our body, an erection starts from the brain, that powerful organ between our ears that controls everything we do.

When you receive a physical and/or mental stimulation, this stimulation causes nerves in your brain to send chemical messages to the nerves in your penis. By the way, this is done via the chemical nitric oxide which is the transmitter agent.

This signal tells the penile blood vessels to relax so that blood can flow freely into the penis. Once in the penis, high pressure traps the blood within both corpora cavernosa. The trapped blood makes the penis stiff and erect, giving you the sensation of an erection.

As you can see, the more blood gets trapped in the corpora cavernosa, the harder the erection you can get. Conversely, your erection is reversed when the inflow of blood is stopped and opening outflow channels open, allowing the penis to become soft.

So what happens if not enough blood get “pushed” into the corpora cavernosa? You get a weak erection (or no erection) and your erection is not hard enough to penetrate a woman’s vagina. That’s ED for you.

But ED is not only an indicator of sexual weakness, it is also an indicator of the weakness of your overall general health. Why is this so?

Why The Hardness Of Your Penis Is An Early Indicator Of Your
Overall Health

According to doctors such as the famous urologist, Stephen Jones, Chairman of the Department of Regional Urology at the Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, the penis is an indicator of the overall health of a man’s body. Dr Jones famously said that you should imagine your penis as an island and your body as the mainland or hinterland.

The island gets all its supplies from the mainland and should anything goes wrong with the mainland, your little island feels the strain straight away. This is a fascinating analogy worth remembering.

Your penis gets all its nutrients and blood supply from your body. It can be considered as a sensitive indicator of your overall health because it contains lots of tiny blood vessels and nerves that carry messages from and to the brain. So should anything happen to your health, it will most likely be reflected in your penis’s performance, namely, its hardness, first.

Thus a soft penis is a sure sign of danger!

That’s why it is so important that as a man, you must have good erectile strength, never mind your age. A weakness in erection is a clear sign that something is not quite right with your overall health.

More on that later when we talk about the health conditions that result in Erectile Dysfunction for men.

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