How To Boost Your Ejaculate Volume Safely & Easily

By : Gary Toh


* Two powerful all natural supplements that will turbo charge your ejaculate volume for more powerful orgasms

* Six food groups that helps with better sperm/semen volume and over sexual health

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Are you noticing that your ejaculation volume ( or semen/sperm ) is not as big as it used to be? Especially since you are above 30 now? It is a fact that it takes longer than usual to build up your semen and sperm volume for an orgasm as you age.

That hurts, we know but don’t fret because you can do something about it 🙂 There are certain herbal supplements like Semenax and food groups you can consume that will help you increase your semen and sperm volume safely and naturally.

What will help increase your ejaculate or semen/sperm volume? Try these…

Disclaimer : The following products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, it is recommended that you consult your physician before taking any supplements.

1). Top Two Recommended Semen/Sperm Booster Supplements For Explosive Orgasms On Demand

If you really want to turbo charge your semen volume and ejaculate buckets instead of dribbles of cum, it makes perfect sense to go for specially blended semen/sperm booster supplements. These are specially formulated to nourish the male sexual system so that you are able to have bigger ejaculations without serious side effects/

You simply can’t go wrong with the best brands listed below as they are long established and proven effective through the years. Don’t settle for less.

Disclaimer : As usual, if you have a medical condition, it is recommended that you consult your physician before taking any supplements.

So here’s the list…

Our Top Recommended Semen Volume Brands


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Comparison of top 2 semen pills

#1. Semenax (5*)

Semenax is rated 5* for its excellent mix of high quality aphrodisiac ingredients that can give you a massive cum load. This is a long established, best selling brand that men loved. Your result is guaranteed or your money back.

Here’s how you can benefit from Semenax

  • Enjoy a longer & more powerful orgasm.
  • Experience better orgasm control.
  • Shoot more massive, thicker loads for an amazing finish.
  • Tease your partner with wild orgasmic contractions.
  • Up to 500% boost in ejaculate volume

Why Semenax? We like this brand because of these 5 compelling reasons…

(i). The most powerful ingredients

Semenax is made up for a specially blended formula of all natural ingredients that are clinically proven to boost your semen/sperm volume safely with no serious side effects. Probably the most powerful blend on the market.

i. Swedish Flower Pollen

This ingredient is crucial for the production of healthy sperm and semen. It will also help to increase ejaculation volume and the male libido.

ii. L-Arginine HCL

Benefits of L Arginine includes better heart health, alleviation of chest pain, building of muscles, repair of wounds, and improvement of male sexual health.

iii. L-Lysine

Studies show that L Lysine can improve blood flow to the penile tissues resulting in a harder erection that is essential for successful sexual intercourse.

iv. Epimedium Sagittatum (Horny Goat Weed)

Epimedium, popularly known as Horny Goat Weed, is a leaf extract that is known to boost male libido and testosterone levels for greater sperm and semen production.

v. Butea Superba

The roots of Butea superba contain compounds said to improve sexual performance, treat weak erection and boost sperm counts and volume.

vi. L-Carnitine

According to , this amino acid is more active than testosterone in improving symptoms of aging in men, such as sexual dysfunction and depression, associated with the decline of androgenic hormones.

Click here for more details on how the ingredients work

(ii). Semenax’s formula is proven effective by clinical studies

Semenax pills are backed by clincal studies which proved that the pills are highly effective.

In a clinical two-month double-blind study, it was found that a “higher number of patients in the Semenax group showed a 20% or more increase in ejaculate volume as compared with the placebo group.” In addition, there was a significant increase in orgasm intensity among those in the Semenax group.

So you can be sure that this will work for you, too.

(iii). No serious side effects â€“ totally safe for you

Safety first, always. This supplement is made from 100% natural ingredients that are mostly herbal in nature. None of the ingredients are flagged as unsafe by the FDA so you can rest assured it is totally safe for you.

Disclaimer As usual, if you have a medical condition, it is recommended that you consult your physician before taking any supplements.

(iv). Excellent Semenax results and testimonials from past users

This product works for adult men of all ages. You are never too young or too old to take it.

Take this 68 year old dude as an example:

“I have noticed an increase in volume and also with the consistency”

“I am 68 years old and was feeling like I needed an edge, so I went to Leading Edge Health. I have been using Semenax for about a month now. I was impressed by the ingredient listed in the formulation. The fact that Leading Edge Health offers a full refund if not satisfied I figured that I had nothing to lose. Semenax has lived up to the claims so far, I have noticed an increase in volume and with the consistency..”  – Larry T.

Ref: Semenax testimonials

(v). Risk free money back guarantee

Semenax comes with a 67 day money back guarantee so it is practically risk free. You probably won’t need this but still it is a plus point for you.

[Note: If you really want to ejaculate buckets instead of a dribble, then it is time to make a bold decision and invest in this top semen supplement. After all, if you do nothing, then nothing will improve. ]

You simply can’t go wrong with this best selling brand… Take advantage of massive price discounts with bigger packages…

Guys who take Semenax also take this:

Erectin liquid gels – for bigger, harder, more sustainable erections with better absorption of ingredients (Enteric Technology)

Joint #1. Volume Pills (5*)

VolumePills got a 5* rating for its excellent mix of ingredients and clinical studies to back up their claims plus a good money back guarantee. It is our joint top choice.

Volume Pills (Use promo code 15389 )

This is a highly recommended supplement for enhancing sperm/semen volume, thickness, quantity and erection hardness. The natural ingredients are known to help improve male libido and increase production of semen and sperm.

Benefits for you

  1. Enjoy massively bigger ejaculation volume on reaching climax
  2. Experience harder erections that last longer every time
  3. Higher sex drive with more horny feeling

Natural ingredients

Volume Pills’s ingredients are mostly high quality Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) herbs used to improve sexual strength and vitality in men in the East for hundreds of years.

Volume Pills ingredients
1. Solidin
Increases Sexual Motivation and Feelings of Pleasure
2. Xi lan rou gui and Hong hua fen
Increase Blood Flow To The Penis For BIGGER, Harder Erections
3. Ku Gua
Proven To Boost Testosterone Levels, Essential For Semen Production
4. Trihydroxy flavone and Embilica officinalis
Helps Optimize The Health of All Your Sexual Organs
5. San guo mu
Beneficial For Pacing and Control During Sex
6. Dong Chong Xia Cao
Improves Sexual Motivation and Testosterone Production
7. Zinc Gluconate
Increases Sexual Vigor
8. Ling Zhi
Increases Sexual Stamina and Overall Energy
9. Xian Mao
Ancient Aphrodisiac, Considered A Natural Alternative To ED meds
10. Tian Men Dong
Helpful For Men Suffering From Impotence
11. Drilizen
Increases Testosterone and Improves Erection Capacity
12. Fucus Vesiculosus
Excellent For Penis Enhancement and Sexual Health
Ingredients are backed by clinical studies

Totally safe for consumption.

Volume Pills are made of only natural ingredients that are absolutely safe for consumption. There are NO prohibited or dangerous ingredients in this supplement.

No serious side effects

As this is a herbal supplement, users have not encountered any adverse side effects that are serious. A few may experience slight tummy discomfort but nothing serious have ever been reported.

Excellent results / User testimonials

Volume Pills boast a 500% increase in ejaculate volume for its users. While we can’t verify this figure, it is known that past users have reported a big increase in ejaculate volume after consuming the supplement.

Here are some user reviews and testimonials:

“Ejaculations are Much Stronger with More Volume”

Having given it a good 2 month shot, I am sure that my ejaculations are much stronger with more volume. I am quite impressed! Thanks so much!” -Brent King

Ref: Testimonials

“Biggest Increase in Ejaculate”

I have been using Volume Pills™ for over 5 months, and the past two weeks have been the biggest increase in ejaculate – More than twice the amount from months prior.” -John Krauss

Ref: Testimonials

In addition, men who took this supplement have reported harder and longer lasting erections to boot.

Money back guarantee

You probably don’t need this but you can try Volume Pills for 67 days, risk free. If you don’t get any results, then you can return the product for a full refund minus shipping cost.

Pros & Cons

Like all products and things in life, there are pros and then there are cons. Same thing here with VolumePills. Let’s see how they balance out.


  1. All natural ingredients so they are totally safe for you
  2. Excellent results giving you larger ejaculate volume, harder erections, higher libido, etc
  3. Risk free, 100% money back guarantee
  4. Long term benefits without health risks


  1. No instant gratification as you must take the pills for a few weeks to a few months for optimal results
  2. May experience slight side effects like upset tummy

As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons. There is obviously great value in this product.

*Important Note*

You can get huge price discounts when you get the 12 month or 6 month packages (55% and 35% respectively) plus other bonus gifts :

* Prosolution erection enhancement pills * penis strengthening exercise program * free gift card * free global shipping

Ref: purchase bonus gifts

Since this is a mid to long term remedy, you might as well go for the larger packages to max out your benefits. Each box contains 60 tablets (1 month supply) and as mentioned above, there are huge price discounts for larger quantities too.

If you are serious about turbo charging your ejaculate volume and enjoying more powerful orgasms (among other health benefits), then definitely go for this one.

(Use promo code 15389 )

Guys who take VolumePills also take this :

TestRx – get bigger muscle mass & less body fat with a boost in this important male hormone … T

2). Six food groups you may want to take to help your body produce more semen and sperm –

i) Foods rich in zinc

Zinc is well known to be good for the production of semen and sperms. Foods that are rich in zinc include lamb, turkey, barley, wheat, oysters, beans, nuts, red meat, pumpkin seeds. Include them in your diet for better semen and sperm volume.

Jump to recommended supplements for semen volume here =>

ii) Foods rich in Vitamins C, E, B12 , B9

Healthful foods & supplements
can help boost semen volume

These Vitamins are great not only for antioxidant properties but also semen and sperm production.

Vit C – broccoli, cantaloupe, papaya, guava, orange, etc

Vit E – nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, etc

Vit B12 – clams, animal liver, sardines, beef, cereal,etc

B9 (Folate) – asparagus, beets, broccoli, beans, citrus fruits, other “leafy green” vegetables, etc

Jump to the top recommended supplements for semen volume here =>

iii) L-arginine, L-cartinine (amino acids)

Poultry is rich in essential
amino acids. So are semen supplements

Spinach, seaweed (spirulina), poultry, sesame seeds, tuna, turkey, egg white all contain the amino acids L-arginine and L-cartinine. According to , this amino acid is more active than testosterone in improving symptoms of aging in men, such as sexual dysfunction and depression, associated with the decline of androgenic hormones.

Jump to the top recommended supplements for semen volume here =>

iv) Water (h2o)

This is an obvious choice. Semen and sperm are made of good old h2o. So make sure you get lots of water. Stay hydrated for better semen and sperm volume.

v) Foods rich in selenium

Eggs and sperm supplements are great for semen/sperm volume

Selenium is an essential mineral that must be obtained through your diet. It has many vital health benefits and one of them is that it is beneficial to reproductive health in men.

So make sure your diet includes nuts, tuna, red meat, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese because these are some foods rich in selenium.

Jump to the top recommended supplements for semen volume here

vi) Lycopene rich foods

Lycopene rich foods are good. So are supplements like Semenax

Lycopene is an anti oxidant found in reddish vegetables and fruit like tomatoes, ketchup, pink grapefruit, guava.

According to Healthline, Lycopene rich foods is good for prostate health which is important for the production of good semen and sperms in men. So make sure you include some of these foods in your diet.

The above 6 food groups are good. However, there is an even more powerful way to turbo charge your ejaculate volume which will allow you to enjoy massive and prolonged orgasms the use of potent but safe herbal semen/sperm volumizer supplements.

[ Jump to the top recommended supplements for semen/sperm volume here ]


As you can see above, you can effectively increase your ejaculate volume by taking the recommended semen/sperm boosting supplements above. If you combine them with the above food groups, the results will be even better.

If you really want to have a larger and more powerful ejaculation during orgasm, then you must take action now. Why? Because it takes time for the ingredients in the pills to work but you can bet that it will be worth your while.

Recommended supplements list:

#1. Semenax

#2. Volume Pills


