If You Need To Boost Your Sperm Count, Motility & Morphology, Then Get This Top Rated Male Fertility Pill Now…

If you are having trouble getting your partner pregnant, it may be because of low male fertility. According to The US National Institute Of Health … “Of all infertility cases, approximately 40–50% is due to “male factor” infertility “. (No wonder “male fertility supplements” searches on Google are gaining in volume).

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Three factors of male fertility

While you can avoid certain bad lifestyle habits that cause infertility, it may not be enough to improve your fertility rate which basically refers to 3 factors:

  1. sperm count
  2. sperm motility
  3. sperm morphology (quality)

What is sperm count?

This is a measure of the number of spermatozoa (sperm) per ejaculation or per measured amount of semen, used as an indication of a man’s fertility. The more spermatozoa you produce, the higher the chances of a sperm finally swimming through all the obstacles to reach and fertilise an egg.

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What is sperm motility?

Sperm motility refers to the ability of sperms to move efficiently. This is another important factor in male fertility because sperms need to “swim” through the woman’s reproductive tract in order to fertilize the egg.

What is sperm morphology (quality)?

Sperm morphology (or sperm quality) refers to the the size and shape of sperm. Normal sperms have oval heads with a long tails while abnormal sperms may have heads or tails defects. These defects can be in the form of a large or misshapen head or a crooked or double tail. Morphology of sperm is important because it affects the ability of the sperm to move efficiently and penetrate the egg.

Here are 2 top male fertility supplements for boosting sperm count, motility & quality.

The following natural male fertility supplements are clinically proven to improve the count, motility, morphology and volume of sperms , ie, male fertility. Each supplement is made of slightly different ingredients but they all work pretty much the same way. And they are totally safe for consumption without any known side effects.

Here’s how they rank.


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Ranking of top 3 male fertility supplements

#1. FertilityFactor5 or FF5 (5*)

FertilityFactor5 is our top rated male fertility supplement at 5* because of it best mix of ingredients including an MIT patented herb. Plus it comes with a 67 day money back guarantee so it is totally risk free for you to try.

Male Fertility Supplements FF5
FertilityFactor5 (Use promo code 15389)

Here’s how you can benefit from FF5 male fertility supplement:

  • Increase Sperm Population (count)
  • Improve Sperm Shape (morphology)
  • Boost Sperm Movement (motility)
  • Enlarge Semen Volume
  • Support Male Reproductive Function

FertilityFactor5 Ingredients

This supplement is made up of high grade ingredients specially formulated to help improve male fertility. These natural ingredients are backed by clinical studies so you can’t go wrong. What’s more, it is manufactured by the same people behind the famous VigRx brand.

Here is the list of ingredients:

i. LJ100 – extract of Eurycoma Longifolia (MIT patented)

Also known by its native name, Tongkat Ali, this extract of Eurycoma Longifolia (LJ100) is a patented name. It came about by an innovative collaboration between researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the government of Malaysia (more details here).

In a clinical study by The Asian Journal Of Andrology, 75 men with fertility issues (low sperm count and poor sperm shape and motility) were given a daily 200mg dose of LJ100. After 3 months, 100% of these men showed strong improvements in all 3 factors of fertility. The results were astonishing, to say the least.

ii. Panax Ginseng

Ginseng has a strong tradition as a powerful aphrodisiac in the East and it is clinically proven to work. According to a clinical study by US National Institute of Medicine, Ginseng has positive effects on sperm count and quality (morphology). Its inclusion in this male fertility supplement is certainly a strong plus point.

iii. Zinc

According to Healthline, “Getting enough zinc is one of the cornerstones of male fertility.” Consuming Zinc in supplement form should be your best option as you cannot really measure the amount of Zinc you consume from foods.

iv. Selenuim

Selenium is an essential mineral that must be obtained through your diet. It has many vital health benefits and one of them is that it is beneficial to reproductive health in men. Many men with low fertility have low amounts of selenium.

This fact is confirmed by a study on male infertility by ScienceDirect which showed that “patients might gain some benefit from selenium supplementation.”

Is it safe?

As you can see, the ingredients in this supplement are all 100% natural. There are no reported side effects so you can rest assured that it is totally safe for you.

Any additional benefits?

As you can see, this supplement contains ingredients that are also beneficial for raising a man’s libido as well as erectile strength – all important factors for reproduction. So yes, you can benefit in other ways too.

No-risk free money back guarantee

You probably won’t need this but this product comes with a no risk 67 day money back guarantee. So you can literally try it risk free.


FertilityFactor5 is a high quality supplement that can definitely help increase a man’s fertility in all 3 factors (sperm count, quality and motility).

If you want to get a baby and you suspect that your sperm count and quality are not good enough to make your partner pregnant, then this supplement can help. The ingredients are clinically proven to boost male fertility factors – sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology. In addition, it will also help boost your semen volume over time.

This supplement is affordable and effective and what’s more, you don’t have to pay exorbitant consultation fees to Urologists and other specialists.

Get this supplement if you are serious about conception.

#2. VolumePill

VolumePill is rated at 4* due to its above average ingredients that are mostly Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in nature. Plus it comes with a decent money back guarantee.

Volume pill is good for male fertility
Volume Pill (Use promo code 15389)

Volume Pill is another herbal supplement containing powerful ingredients that help improve sperm quality, quantity and motility.

Its ingredients are mostly based on Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) herbs including the following:

  • Xi lan rou gui and Hong hua fen
  • Ku Gua
  • Trihydroxy flavone and Embilica officinalis
  • San guo mu
  • Dong Chong Xia Cao
  • Zinc Gluconate
  • Ling Zhi
  • Xian Mao
  • Tian Men Dong
  • Drilizen
  • Fucus Vesiculosus

Some of the above ingredients are clinically proven to nourish the male sexual system and you can find the clinical studies here. If you prefer TCM, then this brand could be for you.

Click on the image to learn more =>

Buy volume pills for increasing male fertility
Volume Pill (Use promo code 15389)


US National Institute Of Health

Mayo Clinic

The Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines

US National Library of Medicine



Crimson Publishers

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