Do Penis Traction Devices Really Work? Discover The Truth And The Best Ones Here…

If you have been scouting around for a product that will finally enlarge your manhood (or to correct penis curvature), you should know by now what is your only real choice : penis traction devices ( variously known as a penis extender, penis stretcher or enlargement device).

[Side Note: Penis enlargement surgery works too but the health risk is tremendous and the cost enormous. The penis traction device is a safer, more affordable option that achieves the same result]

*PRO-TIP : Guys who prefer pills choose Erectin for longer, harder erections on demand :

This page is about getting a permanently bigger penis (both flaccid & erect size) and the only proven way is to use a penis traction device. Read on or skip to the best penis enlargement devices on the market now

Do Penis Traction Devices Really Give You A BIGGER Penis Without Surgery?

According to an independent clinical study quoted by ScienceDaily :

Men who wore a penile extender every day for six months were able to increase the flaccid length of their penis by up to 32%“.

Source: ScienceDaily

This is a significant finding that proved unequivocally that the penis extender is the real deal.

Verdict : The penis traction device works. Period.

You will get the real results (gains in penis length and girth) from using a traction device because this is the only scientifically proven method for enlarging your manhood. No other product comes close.

How Penis Traction Devices Work

Such a device works on the principle of traction which stated that when a small but constant force is applied on the penile shaft, this force causes small micro tears and cell duplications to occur on the penis itself. Don’t worry, this is harmless.

The magic starts when the penile tissues start to heal causing your penis to become larger, firmer and able to hold more blood as it gets bigger.

You simply “wear” the device over your shaft (top to base of your penis). This will stretch the penile tissues causing cell duplication and growth in length and girth over time as explained above. Most guys used this for about 5 hours daily for at least 2 months. It is easy to wear under loose pants or boxers as the device itself is not big and obstructive.

With consistent use of the penis traction device over a few months, you will begin to enjoy a permanent increase in penis length and girth. Plus erections get harder too.

[NOTE: Penis traction devices can also straighten a curved or bent penis. The disease that causes this is called Peyronies Disease. If you are looking for a way to get rid of a bent penis, a traction device can help)

So What Are The Best Penis Traction Devices Out There?

But with so many brands on the market today, which one should you get? While almost all of the available devices on the market work on the same principle of traction, their quality may differ and can affect the results you want so you need to be wary.

We have done all the ground work for you and found 3 best penis traction devices that are excellent for your money. These recommended penis stretching devices are sold online by reputable merchants. There all carry the EU’s mark of safety and most important of all, they all come with risk-free money back guarantees.

Best penis traction devices review : featuring 3 top brands




Excellent Excellent Excellent
Side EffectsNoneNoneNone
Free giftsErection pills
Semen pills
Exercise program
1 to 1 coaching
Free shipping
Air foam
Booster pump
Tension springs
Measuring tape
Bonus DVD guide
Free shipping
Travel bag
Instruction booklet
Sexual health ebook
Extra accessories
Money Back
6 months6 months2 months
with 1-1

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#1. ProExtender (5*)

ProExtender gets a top rating of 5* because of its high quality, comfort and reputation of its vendor. This product comes with interesting free gifts that will help you achiever better results such as an enlargement exercise program and a 1 to 1 coaching plus other sexual health products (for the premium package)

ProExtender is a high quality penile extender or traction device that works pretty much the same way as other penis traction devices on the market. The difference is in the extras such as free shipping, freebies and one to one coaching, etc

It comes with a generous 6 month money back guarantee and a reputable vendor (Leading Edge Health Inc) so it is indeed a product you can trust and use.

Here’s what you can expect to benefit from ProExtender :

1. Permanent increases in both penis length and girth (both flaccid and erect)

The average result of ProExtender® treatment was an increase in erect length of 2.8 cm (1.1 inch) after 1100 hours at 1200 g traction force. The corresponding flaccid increase is 1.9 cm or 0.75 inch.”

2. Harder and longer lasting erections

3. Correction of penis curvature problem (also called Peyronies Disease)

Ref: ProExtender results

How ProExtender corrects a curved or bent penis (Peyronies Disease)

If you have a severely curved or bent penis, you know how hard (or impossible) it is to have normal sex. If you think it will go away on its own without treatment, then you are sadly mistaken. At least according to Mayo Clinic, without treatment, Peyronies disease will only get worse.

Forget about pills and injections because they don’t work . Surgery might work but it is too risky and expensive. Luckily a good traction device like the ProExtender can help you straighten your manhood for normal, painless and pleasurable sex.

According to the Urology Times, traction is the most cost effective treatment for penile curvature improvement.

The ProExtender device is clinically proven to help correct penile curvature caused by Peyronie’s.

Here’s what you can expect to get :

1.Reduction of plaque that causes the curvature

2. Improvement in penile sensitivity

3. Improvement in erectile strength

4. Straightening of the penis

5. Increase in penis erect and flaccid size

Learn more about how ProExtender corrects a curved penis…..

The ProExtender is recommended by urologists, physicians & plastic surgeons

This device is highly recommended by physicians and other medical experts in 29 countries, including US and Spain.

According to the US Library of Medicine, “It seems that penile extenders represent the only evidence-based technique of penile elongation

No side effects

You can rest assured that there are no side effects from using this device. It is totally safe and comfortable to wear. In fact, it is known to give you harder erections because it improves blood flow after a few months.

Backed by genuine testimonials

Some comments from past users of ProExtender :

I really didn’t think there was a solution to my worries about my penis size, but one day my friend let it slip that he had been using this system for the last few months and was making great progress. In fact, after he started, he couldn’t stop talking about it. After that conversation he had me convinced and I ordered mine the next day. I started seeing results.….” – John H.

I’ll admit I had some concerns before purchasing the ProExtender; namely cost and comfort. The cost factor was easy to figure out, how badly did I want to enlarge my penis and how much would the alternative surgery cost? The answer was that I really wanted a larger penis. I always have, and that alone was worth the investment.…. As it turns out, the ProExtender® is light, very well constructed and after the initial unfamiliar feel goes away, in my case about 4 days, I hardly noticed it. Mark A .

I have only been using the device for a few weeks and I am already seeing amazing results. Not only is my penis longer but it is also straighter – something I had hoped for but didn’t expect. This unit not only lives up to its claim but it is a high-quality instrument.” – Rod K.

Ref : More ProExtender testimonials

Some frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Q1 : How big can I get?

Answer: The ProExtender® method is clinically documented to help increase erect length by up to 29% and enlarge girth by up to 19% (with regular use between 4-6 months).

Q2: Is it backed by clinical evidence?

Answer: Yes, of course. One clinical study (lasting 26 weeks) yielded amazing results. After the study… the average girth enlarged by up to 19% and length increased by up to 29%.

Q3: I can see how this would add length, but what about girth?

Answer: ProExtender Pro will increase your length as well as your girth. The device works by using the Traction Method which is clinically proven to increase BOTH length and girth (flaccid and erect).

Q4 : Does it hurt?

Answer: Definitely not. In fact, it’s comfortable. The ProExtender® is designed with multiple comfort features in order to deliver a pain-free user experience. Unlike cheap imitations, the ProExtender® is designed not to pinch, poke or pull your penis in any way that causes pain or the slightest discomfort.

Q5 : Can it help straighten a curved penis?

Answer: Yes, of course. The ProExtender® method was tested in a clinical trial with amazing results. After 6 months, 10 men diagnosed with Peyronie’s saw improvement. The ProExtender® is a safe, affordable option for addressing Peyronie’s.

Ref : More ProExtender FAQs

100% risk free money back guarantee for 6 months

You probably don’t need this but you are covered by a no risk, 6 month guarantee period. In the highly unlikely event that you don’t see any results, you get your money back

ProExtender also comes with these unique freebies (for the premium versions)

If you are seriously looking for a solution to enlarge your manhood(or to get rid of penis curvature), then the ProExtender is definitely your best option as it offers the best support and extras.

But note that although this device is best for enlarging your manhood, it may also be used to effectively straighten a bent or curved penis.

Click on the image below to learn more…

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#2. Quick Extender Pro (5*)

Here’s how you can benefit from the QuickExtender Pro :-

Quick Extender Pro is rated at 5*. This penis extender comes with a new Double Strap System (DSS) for maximum comfort and results. This will give you more tension, more comfort and quick results.

The QuickExtender Pro is a high quality penis stretcher that is designed and built especially for comfort and effectiveness. It was developed by Innovatech Designs in the United States under strict regulations. It has been selling tremendously well for more than 10 years already.

QuickExtender Pro’s new Double Strap System (DSS) guarantees maximum comfort for every user. This system will please even the most hard to please guy with the most sensitive of genitalia.

This new generation system features two medical grade silicon tubes to secure the penis shaft and head. This ensures that optimal tension on the penile shaft and also ensure no slippage (a common problem with other devices).

It also comes with deluxe comfort pads so that you will be motivated to wear it for longer periods, thus improving your results.

  1. Permanent increase in penis length & girth of 6% to 36% after 1 to 6 months ( more details and graph on results you can expect here)
  2. A harder erect penis due to better blood flow
  3. Correction in penis curvature
  4. Better orgasm control

What kind of results can you expect?

You can expect excellent results from using this device. This is because it is very versatile, comfortable and easy to use. It comes pre-assembled so that all you need to do is to adjust it to your required length and wear it as instructed.

Rest assured that it is a small device that can be worn under loose clothings. And because it is so comfortable, you can wear it for longer hours daily for maximum gains.

100% risk free money back guarantee

You probably don’t need this but you are covered by a no risk, 6 month guarantee period. In the highly unlikely event that you don’t see any results, you get your money back ( More details on money back guarantee here).

Get these excellent free gifts when you order the deluxe editions

1. Pure air memory foam

2. Penis booster pump

3. 3500/4000g tension springs

4. Measuring tape

5. DVD guide

6. Deluxe travel pouch

Click here for more information on QuickExtender Pro now =>

#3. Andro Extender (4*)

Andro penis extender gets a 4* rating because of its long reputation in the penile enlargement industry. It is one of the oldest brands on the market and it does work to get you gains.

The Andro Extender is a standard penile extender that is developed by the AndroMedical research lab, There is nothing much to separate it from the rest except for pricing, accessories and freebies.

This extender comes with some extra accessories like tubes, bands, rods, rings that you may need to replace with time.

Some guys go for the branding. If you like the AndroMedical brand for some reason, then this is for you.

Click here to learn more about Andro Extender =>


  1. Penile traction therapy and Peyronie’s disease – US National Institues of Health
  2. Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size – National Library of Medicine
  3. Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports – ScienceDaily
  4. Proextender