Horny Goat Weed Review : Does It Work For Erection Problems? What Are The Benefits For You?

Horny Goat Weed is a herb specie of the Epimedium genus. It is also known as Ying Yang Huo, Barrenwort, Rowdy Lamb herb, Randy Beef grass, etc.

Call it by whatever name you want, this herb is famous for treating sexual problems in men, notably weak erection problems.

#Pro Tip : Take this quiz to find out if you really need an erection booster:

In fact, this article will focus on how Horny Goat Weed or Epimedium can help you treat erectile problems.

How Horny Goat Weed helps treat erection problems in men

To understand how this herb works, you need to know how an an erection occurs and what happens in the case of erectile dysfunction.

When you get sexually excited or stimulated, your brain signals the body to emit nitric oxide which in turn sends a chemical (cGMP) that allows blood to flow and pack the vessels in the three chambers of the penis. The fully packed penis shaft then becomes hard and stiff and bingo, you get an erection!

However, when you have ED, a type of enzyme known as PDE5 interferes with the signal of nitric oxide and cGMP, thus blocking the flow of blood into the penis chambers and preventing a full erection. As a result, your erections are not hard enough for sex. That hurts, we know.

Here’s where the horny goat weed comes in. This wonder herb contains an ingredient called icariin which slows down the activity of the PDE5 enzyme. It acts like a policeman putting the bad guys into jail. Icarin is also used in the famous blue pill (not the Covid vaccine).

So there you have it, Horny Goat Weed effectively interferes with the PDE5 enzyme, thus allowing more blood to flow into the penis tissues for rock hard erections.

Is Horny Goat Weed effective? Does it really work?

As with most herbal supplements, there are not many large scale trials done to study its effectiveness. The reason could be because it is not profitable enough for the big pharma companies to fund it.

Still, there are some smaller scale studies that show that Epimedium or horny goat weed is effective in treating erection problems in men. One such study was done on rats by the Journal of Sexual Medicine. This study showed that Epimedium was effective in improving erectile function in the males.

Pros and Cons of Horny Goat Weed


1. Effective in treating erection problems in men

2. Easy access as you can get them in supplement form

3. Have some other benefits : good for lowering high blood pressure, improving libido, reducing fatigue, etc


1.Side effects may include dizziness, rapid heartbeat, etc

2. Large dosage may interfere with other medications

Note : If you have a medical condition, always remember to consult your physician before taking any supplements.

Where can you buy Horny Goat Weed supplements?

You can always get your supply of this supplement from your regular drug store but you need to be mindful of the correct dosage for treating erection problems.

Now, there is an easier solution for you..

We recommend that you get a high quality erection & libido enhancement supplement that contains not just the correct dosage of Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Leaf Extract) but also other powerful ingredients that are specially blended together to give you rock hard erections safely.

This supplement is the all natural supplement called Erectin, an improved and upgraded version of the very popular VigRxPlus which is itself a long established brand that has been in the sexual health market for more than a decade.

*Best Option* Enjoy harder erections (that last) & higher libido with a top rated erection enhancement herbal supplement

If you really want to have harder and longer lasting erections naturally, there is no better or faster way than to take specially blended erection enhancer (male enhancement) supplements. Why? The reason is because these supplements address the root cause of weak erections and libido and will nourish your body to correct these weaknesses for your long term sexual health.

We have carefully researched and selected the top rated erection supplement that will help you achieve harder erections and higher libido.

And here it is …

Best Brand: Erectin Liquid Gels (5*)

Erectin Liquid Gel is our #1 choice at 5* because its best mix of ingredients (including Horny Goat Weed or Epimedium) actually work for you. Rock hard erections, higher libido , more horny feeling…. all adding up to the best sex for you. Plus its improved absorption capabilities due to its liquid gel form.

This all natural, herbal supplement contains the game changing ingredient Bioperine and is equipped with Enteric coating technology that together optimize the absorption rate of the nutrients. (more later…)

To cut to the chase, Erectin liquid gel is the preferred natural or herbal erection and libido enhancement supplement for men. This product is distributed by the long established and reputable Leading Edge Health and is an improved version of their VigRxPlus pills.

Men around the world trust this brand for giving them what they really want: better, harder erections and higher libido without all the nasty side effects.

Here’s how you can benefit from Erectin :

  • Achieve rock hard erections that last longer and look larger for both you & your partner
  • Enjoy a higher sex drive and more horny feeling
  • Maintain your hard & large erections for a longer time
  • Enjoy more frequent and more intense orgasms

How it works:

  • The ingredients increase nitric oxide in your bloodstream for better blood flow which leads to bigger, harder, stronger erections that last longer
  • The ingredients increase the level of the male sex hormone (T) for higher sex drive or libido

Why Choose Erectin? 7 Great Reasons…

1. Best blend of ingredients (contains Bioperine which makes this supplement superior to others) :

The secret to this supplement  is undoubtedly its best mix of ingredients that are specially blended to give you the best results: rock hard erections, more horny feeling, longer lasting erection.

i. Damiana

This plant promotes oxygen supply and increases blood flow and nerve impulses to your penis for harder and longer lasting erections.

ii. Epimedium Leaf Extract  (a.k.a. “Horny Goat Weed”)

Horny Goat Weed is a miracle plant extract that boosts your body’s natural production of the T, the main male sex hormone. Results? Higher libido and erectile strength.

iii. Asian Red Ginseng

This is another widely recognised aphrodisiac that are documented in various clinical studies to boost erectile strength and overall sexual health.

iv. Muira Pauma Bark Extract (a.k.a. “Erection Root”)

As its name suggests, this Brazilian plant extract can immensely improve erection hardness as well as libido in men.

v. Hawthorn Berry 

This powerful berry contains antioxidants and bioflavonoids which help stimulate blood flow to the penis and help maintain and prolong erections.

vi. Catuaba Bark Extract 

This is another Brazilian (and Peruvian) plant extract that increases sexual desire and appetite in addition to reducing fatigue.

vii. Saw Palmetto

This native american herb can boost testosterone production which is beneficial to your sexual prowess.

viii. Ginkgo Biloba

Another herb from the East, Ginkgo Biloba is able to improve blood flow to the brain and penile tissues thus strengthening erections and memories.

ix. Bioperine (crucial ingredient that gives you the best results)

This ingredient is the most important reason why Erectin works so well and much better than other brands. Bioperine acts as a aggregator or booster in that it helps your body better absorb all the above ingredients for the best results possible. Without this crucial ingredient, you could be wasting your time and money.

2. Endorsed by a world renowned surgeon Dr. Dave David :

This product is actually endorsed by a celebrity medical doctor, Dr Dave David so you know this is the real deal. You simply can’t go wrong with this.

3. Rave reviews by genuine customers :

This product works to give you a rock hard erection safely, whenever you need one. If you are over 40, this works just great..

Some reviews here from real customers :

I started using Erectin 6 weeks ago and I love the results already. I’m 56 years old with a wife 14 years younger than me and I felt my sexual performance was slacking some. Since I’ve started taking Erectin my sex has improved 10X over. The hardness and satisfaction is nothing short of amazing… and my wife couldn’t agree more. I will be a lifetime customer!…. “. ..J.J.

Ref: Erectin

I thought this was just another hoax. I have type II diabetes and I lost my libido and confidence. I no longer had morning wood and I was having weak erections. I gave Erectin a try and after one month usage I saw significant results and my sex partners were pleased and kept asking for more. More than this however was the fact that my erections increased in girth as well! I did not expect that! The strength of my erections is a great deal improved and my body alarm is functioning again.“. .. David B.

Ref: Erectin

4. Results backed by a clinical trial published in the prestigious Journal Of Urology

The ingredients in Erectin were tested and proven in a double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. Results were very revealing :

  • 58.97% increase in ability to penetrate partner
  • 71.43% increase in sex satisfaction
  • 47% increase in libido or sex drive
  • 62.82% increase in ability to maintain an erection
  • 22.49% increase in frequency and quality of orgasms

Ref: Clinical studies

5. Totally safe with no serious side effects

This product is produced in a FDA approved facility with the strictest safety standards. Its ingredients are all natural and safe. There are no serious side effects ever reported. You can rest assured that it is absolutely safe for your consumption.

Disclaimer : As usual, if you have a medical condition, it is recommended that you consult your physician before taking any supplements.

6. Cutting edge Enteric Coating (EC) absorption technology –

Erectin is equipped with cutting-edge breakthroughs in absorption technology which allows Erectin to enter your bloodstream for maximum results.

This is important because unlike traditional pills which get dissolved and destroyed almost immediately by stomach acids, Erection gels are protected by a special coating (EC) and can pass through the stomach acids unharmed. This means the ingredients get absorbed into the blood stream faster and more efficiently. The results are truly amazing.

7. Risk free money back guarantee:

You probably don’t need this one but there is even a risk free, 67 day, money back guarantee for you. In other words, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from trying this product.

Erectin is legit and really works. NO scam here.

We know that you are wary of being scammed on the internet and rightly so. Therefore, we research and vet products that we recommend very carefully. As you can see above, Erectin is a legit product you can trust.

Note again that the capsules are coated with Enteric technology which protects the ingredients from being destroyed by your stomach acid. This means that your body absorbs the “formula” intact, giving you the best possible results.

How quickly can you expect results?

On average, you can expect results within the first 30 days with the best results occurring around day 60. Just take one pill, twice daily will do.

If you really want harder erections and higher libido without resorting to dangerous prescription meds, then it is time to make a bold decision and try this top erection/libido supplement. After all, if you do nothing, nothing will improve. In fact, it may get worse.

Anyway, you simply can’t go wrong with this top brand that smart guys like you have been using for decades.

Note: that you get FREE global shipping for orders of 3 months and above.

Other helpful products you may be interested in :

1. Review of top 3 erection enhancement supplements

2. Review of top 2 semen/sperm boosting supplements


1. Hardness Quiz

2. Healthline

3. WebMD

4. Journal of Sexual Health