Prevent Premature Ejaculation With Ayurvedic Herbs

Prevent premature ejaculation with ayurvedic medicine

Prevent premature ejaculation? Here’s help. Many scholars consider Ayurvedic medicine as the oldest healing science. Some even call it “The Science of Life” and it may well be able to help you last longer in bed.

In a nutshell, this 5,000 year old ancient science from India is all about the prevention and maintenance of health. This is quite different from Western allopathic medicine which focuses on treating the symptoms of diseases by the use of drugs and other methods.

If you are looking for a way to stop or prevent premature ejaculation by using the Ayurvedic method, then you will be happy to know that there are certain Ayurvedic herbs that can indeed help achieve that. These herbs work to improve your body’s response to anxiety and stress (particularly in increasing the production of serotonin and dopamin). In addition, they are also good for increasing the volume and quality of sperms you produce.

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Tips & tricks to beat premature ejaculation & last longer in bed

Here are 7 Ayurvedic herbs that can help stop or prevent premature ejaculation

[Note that you can get all these 7 Ayurvedic herbs in one powerful and convenient supplement called DuraMale. CLICK HERE for details]

  1. Indian Gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis)
Gooseberry can help prevent premature ejaculation
Indian Gooseberry

Ayurvedic medical practitioners believe that excess body heat is one of the many factors that causes premature ejaculation. Thus by reducing body heat, you will be able to delay ejaculation.

Indian Gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis) is a herb that can help cool down body heat as it is a natural cooling agent. It is also a potent rejuvenator and antioxidant so it helps improve your body’s immunity.

In addition, this herb is a powerful aphrodisiac that helps improve sperm quality, increase sperm and semen volume and boost your libido or sex drive.

2. Elephant Creeper (Argyreia speciosa)

 prevent premature ejaculation with elephant creepers
Elephant Creeper

Elepant Creeper is a peculiar plant that is also known as Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Woolly Morning Glow (Argyreia Speciosa). It is used as an adaptogen in ayurvedic system of medicine.

According to a research paper by the Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources , Elephant Creeper “was found beneficial in conditions like Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Spermatorrhoea and functional impotence with no toxic effects”

As shown, this herb can help prevent or treat premature ejaculation.

3. Pellitory (Anacyclus pyrethrum)

Pellitory to stop or  prevent premature ejaculation

Anacyclus pyrethrumis is known as a remedy to delay the ejaculation and to prolong sex.

In a study on Ayurvedic herbs quoted by the US National Library Of Medicine, one of the findings was that Anacyclus pyrethrum “cured (100%) – achievement of certain reasonable voluntary control over ejaculation, sufficient length of the sexual act according to the wish, with both partners satisfied.

In addition, this herb has other benefits for your sexual health such as higher libido, better sperm count and bigger ejaculation volume.

[Note that you can get all these 7 Ayurvedic herbs in one powerful and convenient supplement called DuraMale. CLICK HERE for details]

4. Clove (Syzygium Aromaticum)

Clove is s herb that can help stop  premature ejaculation

In Ayurvedic medicine, Clive is largely used as a stimulant, anti-spasmodic and carminative spice.

In a study by BMC Complementary Medicine & Therapies, extract of Syzygium Aromaticum . “Oral administration of the extract significantly increased the Mounting Frequency, Intromission Frequency; Intromission Latency, Erections; Quick Flips, Long Flips as well as aggregate of penile reflexes and caused significant reduction in the Mounting Latency and Post Ejaculatory Interval

These suggest that Clove is an effective herb for delaying or preventing ejaculation during sexual intercourse, among other benefits.

5. Indian Ginseng (Withania Somnifera)

Indian ginseng is a herb that can delay ejaculation
Indian Ginseng

In Ayurvedic medicine, Indian Ginseng is a well known aphrodisiac and herb for controlling premature ejaculation.

According to a clinical study by MedCrave, herbs like Withania Somnifera “has improved the duration of sexual act.”

Besides being a treatment for the prevention of premature ejaculation, Indian Ginseng vitalizes and rejuvenates the body and increases the sexual desire and performance in males (aphrodisiac).

6. Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans)

Nutmeg is able to  prevent premature ejaculation

This is another famous Ayurvedic herb that is known to help men delay ejaculation during sex.

According to a clinical study, the Myristica Fragrans extract (nutmeg) “induced changes in neurotransmitter level or their action at cellular level could change sexual behaviour since nutmeg is mentioned in ethnomedical literature as nervous stimulant.”

This explains why nutmeg has long been used to prevent premature ejaculation in men.

[Note that you can get all these 7 Ayurvedic herbs in one powerful and convenient supplement called DuraMale. CLICK HERE for details]

7. Tailed Pepper (Piper Cubeba)

This is one of the most important herb in Ayurveda that is used to treat or prevent premature ejaculation in men. Piper Cubeba or tailed pepper, is also used as anti-oxidant and mouth freshener.

In a research paper on preventing and treating premature ejaculation, piper cubeba was used as an ingredient, It was found that ayurvedic herbs combined with yoga can help men last longer in bed without the use of any western medicine.

Conclusion : Ayurvedic herbs can help delay ejaculation

As you can see, the above 7 ayurvedic herbs can help you prevent premature ejaculation and last longer in bed. You can get the benefits by consuming each herb individually but your best option is to combine them for maximum benefits.

Best Recommendation
For your convenience and best results, you can get all the above 7 powerful herbs specially blended into 1 Super Supplement called Duramale (see below).

DuraMale Pills for longer lasting sex (with above 7 Ayurvedic Herbs)

Duramale is a specially blended supplement that contains all of the above 7 ayurvedic herbs. This is a highly recommended product.

Here is how you can benefit from this powerful supplement :

1. Last longer in bed with better sex stamina

2. Better quality sperms/ semen production

3. Increased libido or sexual desire

To recap, this supplement contains the following ingredients in the dosage indicated:

Ayurvedic Ingredients in this supplement

30 Day money back guarantee

This product comes in a bottle of 60 tablets with a decent 30 day money back guarantee so there is virtually no risk for you to try it.

Doctor Endorsed

Duramale is recommended by Dr. Sam Millain, Quebec, Canada.

This is what he says “This patient of mine developed better ejaculation control and was able to get rid of his premature ejaculation in a month! So what exactly works in DuraMale? The answer is simple – it’s the potent and safe herbs that form the ingredients. I say with confidence that this is the solution for your ejaculation concerns.”

Dr Sam Millain is a practicing urologist

If you are really serious about getting rid of your premature ejaculation problems with Ayurvedic medicine, then there is no better option than going for Duramale.

Duramale for the prevention of  premature ejaculation

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